
From MCLabs

Police are a core mechanic of MCLabs. They roam the spawn world, searching for players who have Chems. They can frisk players, which checks the player for Chems. If they have Chems, the police officer gets the Chems and the player goes to jail. You can Identify police by their dark blue armor. The lighter an officer's hat, the higher their rank. They may also be in SWAT mode, which has them wearing a black leather hat and their armor being enchanted for PVP. Any player is able to enroll into the police force once they reach the Trainee rank with /police enroll. However breaking any police rules or found cheating while on duty will result in a permanent demotion from police and being reset to junky rank.

Police System

The police uniform is a distinct dark blue colour.

Police Duty

You can go on and off duty with /duty. While on duty you have a separate inventory than your normal one, this inventory clears when you go off duty, and when you die it also will clear your off duty inventory. It is highly recommended that you go on duty with nothing in your off duty inventory.

Duty Tips

Being seen while on duty can make it harder for you to frisk players and get their Chems. It is smarter to find places along selling routes to get a jump on players before they can react. Learning all the ins and outs of the most used selling areas will also help you cut players off who you weren't able to get the jump on.

Police Abilities

Police have access to special abilities that they can use while on duty. These can be unlocked from the ability tree by doing /ashop. Earn ability tokens to unlock these skills by ranking up as a cop. Abilities are either passive or active, you can have one of each while on duty.

High Stakes Speed Surge I The previous row must be completely unlocked to start on the next row. Example:
Jump Boost, Arrest Cooldown II, and Speed Surge III must be unlocked before you can unlock
Power Leap I, Arrest Cooldown III, Speed Surge IV, Canine I, or Radar I
Cooldown on arrests reduced by 7 seconds, but cooldown following unsuccessful frisks is increased by 8 seconds
Passive Ability
Gives Speed I for four seconds
Active Ability - 30s Cooldown
Arrest Cooldown I Speed Surge II
Cooldown following an arrest is reduced by two seconds
Passive Ability
Gives Speed I for six seconds
Active Ability - 30s Cooldown
Jump Boost Arrest Cooldown II Speed Surge III
Gives a few seconds of jump boost
Active Ability - 20s Cooldown
Cooldown following an arrest is reduced by four seconds
Passive Ability
Gives Speed II for four seconds
Active Ability - 40s Cooldown
Power Leap I Arrest Cooldown III Speed Surge IV Canine I Radar I
Provides a weak launch
Active Ability - 25s Cooldown
Cooldown following an arrest is reduced by six seconds
Passive Ability
Gives Speed II for six seconds
Active Ability - 40s Cooldown
Spawns a dog that tracks the nearest player for 8 seconds
Active Ability - 40s Cooldown
Every 3 seconds, makes invisible players within 4 blocks of you glow for 1 second
Passive Ability
Power Leap II Arrest Cooldown IV Speed Surge V Canine II Radar II
Provides a moderate launch
Active Ability - 40s Cooldown
Cooldown following an arrest is reduced by eight seconds
Passive Ability
Gives Speed III for three seconds
Active Ability - 50s Cooldown
Spawns a dog that tracks the nearest player for 12 seconds
Active Ability - 40s Cooldown
Every 3 seconds, makes invisible players within 5 blocks of you glow for 2 seconds
Passive Ability
Power Leap III Arrest Cooldown V Canine III Radar III
Provides a powerful launch
Active Ability - 50s Cooldown
No cooldown following an arrest
Passive Ability
Spawns a dog that tracks the nearest player for 16 seconds
Active Ability - 40s Cooldown
Every 3 seconds, makes invisible players within 6 blocks of you glow for 3 seconds
Passive Ability

Police Rules

Police rules are strictly enforced. Violating any of these rules may result in not only a ban but also removal of the ability to be a cop for the remainder of the map.

1: You may frisk anyone wherever you can reach them in the spawn world. You may not frisk anyone in the player shops.

2: Under any circumstances, you may not own a farm. You may help build farms, but can not harvest/plant them.

3: Do not frisk people in the wild world, at warp tutorial, or during a drop party.

4: Do not frame people by throwing Chems on the ground.

5: Do not take bribes from players (eg. Taking money to let them go, taking "bail" money from them).

6: Do not use speed, jump, or invisibility potions while on duty.

7: Do not use /hat while on duty.

8: Selling Chems for other players or selling Chems that you had before enrolling into the police is punishable by permanent ban.

9: The only time that cops are allowed to have a personal farm is when that farm is going to be used for brewing drinks. These farms must be very small and approved by an admin. Using a farm that is not approved, or for any other reasons than brewing drinks will result in a permanent demotion from cop and a ban.

Server rules also still apply to cops. Visit rules to view all of the server rules.

Crate/Special Items on Duty

There are some items received from crates, leaderboard milestones, and other means that are allowed to be used on duty. At this time, the only items like these that are allowed to be used on duty are:

1: Reindeer Whip (Holiday Crate Item)

2: Wraith Mount (Halloween Crate Item - Evanesce is Disabled for Police)

3: Pocket rockets

4: Deployable Jump Pads (Event Point Shop)

Items NOT allowed on duty:

1: Any Speed, Jump, or Invisibility Potions

2: Hot Cocoa (Holiday Crate Item)

3: Smuggler Stew (Supply Crate III)

4: Pink Sugar Cookie

5: Orange Sugar Cookie

6: Blue Sugar Cookie

Rank & Unlocks

See Ranks for full info on police rankup perks and rewards.

Master Prestige costs more to get through, for a total of $37,875,000. The total cost of all rankups is $104,025,000.