
From MCLabs

MCLabs has a rank system for both the Chem and Cop path. You can view the prices of ranks at any time in-game using /ranks for chemranks, and /copranks for cop ranks. Prestiges can be checked using /prestiges, and cop prestiges with /copprestiges. The prices and perks/advantages are also listed below.



CP: Company Power (/c)

CF: Chem Compound Formula unlock (/lab)

RJ: Runner Job Listings (/runner sell)

AH: Max Auction House selling slots (/ah)

JS: Max Job slots (/jobs)

Selling Bonus: Percent increase on chem sales at all dealers.

AC: Police ability credit.

Every rank from Junky to RASTA, and every prestige afterwards, also gets a new /kit!

Chem Ranks

Chem ranks and their prices can be viewed in-game with /ranks.
Chem Ranks
Rank Base Price Rankup Pack Perks and Abilities
Unprestiged Each Even Prestige Each Odd Prestige Master Prestige
Junky Default Tier I 1 AH, 2 Homes, 1 JS, Kit Prestige Rewards Prestige Rewards Prestige Rewards
Intern $10,000 Tier I Runner Duty, Kit +1 Home +1 Home +1% Selling Bonus
Trainee $25,000 Tier I +1 Home (3), Police Enroll Ability
+1 AH, Chemtainer Size Increases +1 AH, Chemtainer Size Increases 1x CF, +1 AH, +1 RJ, Chemtainer Size Increases
Assistant $50,000 Tier I Access to Smuggle Flights, Kit Reduced Smuggle Flight Cooldown Reduced Smuggle Flight Cooldown Reduced Smuggle Flight Cooldown,
Technician $75,000 Tier I +1 AH (2), Kit Kit 1x CF, Kit +1% Selling Bonus
Analyst $150,000 Tier I +1 Home (4), Kit Lab Max Crafts Increases +1 RJ +1 Home, 3 JS, Lab Max Craft Increases
Engineer $250,000 Tier II +1 CP (4), +1 AH (3), New Lawyer, Kit
Access to /factions world without warning
+1 CP +1 CP +1 CP, Kit
Bioengineer $400,000 Tier II +1 AH (4), Access to /lab, 1x CF, Kit New Lawyer New Lawyer New Lawyer, 1x Prestige Key, +1 RJ
Chemist $600,000 Tier II +1 CP (5), 1x CF, Create Runner Jobs, Kit 1x CF, Kit 1x CF, Kit 1% Selling Bonus, +1 Home, +1 CP
Biochemist $800,000 Tier II +1 RJ (2), +1 JS (2), Access to Bribes, Kit Better Bribes Better Bribes Better Bribes, 1x Prestige Key
Alchemist $1,500,000 Tier III Access to /craft, +1 CP (6), +1 RJ (3), Kit
Chemtainer Size Increases, Lab Max Craft Increases
Free Lawyer Use Cooldown Reduction Prison Time Reduction +1% Selling Bonus, +1 CP, +1 RJ, 1x Prestige Key
Pharmacologist $2,000,000 Tier III +1 CP (7) 1x CF, Kit, 1% Selling Bonus 1% Selling Bonus 1% Selling Bonus +1 CP, +1 Home, 1x Prestige Key, 1% Selling Bonus
Director $3,000,000 Tier III +1 Home (5), +1 CP (8), Kit, Personal /mount Personal Mount Speed Increase Personal Mount Speed Increase 1% Selling Bonus, +1 CP, +1 RJ, 2x Prestige Key

With each prestige, ranks get more expensive. All prices per rank:

No prestige Prestige 1 Prestige 2 Prestige 3 Prestige 4 Prestige 5 Prestige 6 Prestige 7 Prestige 8 Prestige 9 Prestige 10 MP
Intern $10,000 $11,500 $13,000 $14,500 $16,000 $17,500 $19,000 $20,500 $22,000 $23,500 $25,000 $50,000
Trainee $25,000 $28,750 $32,500 $36,250 $40,000 $43,750 $47,500 $51,250 $55,000 $58,750 $62,500 $125,000
Assistant $50,000 $57,500 $65,000 $72,500 $80,000 $87,500 $95,000 $102,500 $110,000 $117,500 $125,000 $250,000
Technician $75,000 $86,250 $97,500 $108,750 $120,000 $131,250 $142,500 $153,750 $165,000 $176,250 $187,500 $375,000
Analyst $150,000 $172,500 $195,000 $217,500 $240,000 $262,500 $285,000 $307,500 $330,000 $352,500 $375,000 $750,000
Engineer $250,000 $287,500 $325,000 $362,500 $400,000 $437,500 $475,000 $512,500 $550,000 $587,500 $625,000 $1,250,000
Bioengineer $400,000 $460,000 $520,000 $580,000 $640,000 $700,000 $760,000 $820,000 $880,000 $940,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000
Chemist $600,000 $690,000 $780,000 $870,000 $960,000 $1,050,000 $1,140,000 $1,230,000 $1,320,000 $1,410,000 $1,500,000 $3,000,000
Biochemist $800,000 $920,000 $1,040,000 $1,160,000 $1,280,000 $1,400,000 $1,520,000 $1,640,000 $1,760,000 $1,880,000 $2,000,000 $4,000,000
Alchemist $1,500,000 $1,725,000 $1,950,000 $2,175,000 $2,400,000 $2,625,000 $2,850,000 $3,075,000 $3,300,000 $3,525,000 $3,750,000 $7,500,000
Pharmacologist $2,000,000 $2,300,000 $2,600,000 $2,900,000 $3,200,000 $3,500,000 $3,800,000 $4,100,000 $4,400,000 $4,700,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000
Director $3,000,000 $3,450,000 $3,900,000 $4,350,000 $4,800,000 $5,250,000 $5,700,000 $6,150,000 $6,600,000 $7,050,000 $7,500,000 $15,000,000
Prestige Total $8,860,000 $10,189,000 $11,518,000 $12,847,000 $14,176,000 $15,505,000 $16,834,000 $18,163,000 $19,492,000 $20,821,000 $22,150,000 $44,300,000

Cop Ranks

Police ranks and their prices can be viewed in-game with /copranks.
Cop Ranks
Rank Price Rankup Pack Perks and Abilities
Unprestiged Each Even Prestige Each Odd Prestige Master Prestige
Informant /police enroll Tier I Duty, Kit Prestige Rewards Prestige Rewards Prestige Rewards
Recruit $5,000 Tier I 1x AC, Kit 1x AC* 1x AC* +1 Home, +2 Locker Slots
Cadet $15,000 Tier I 1x AC, +1 AH (2), Kit +1 Home, +2 Locker Slots +1 Home, +2 Locker Slots +1 CP, Kit
Officer $30,000 Tier I Kit, +2 Locker Slots 1x AC*, Brewing Kit 1x AC*, Brewing Kit +1 AH, Personal Mount Speed Increase
Detective $50,000 Tier I 1x AC, +1 Home (4), Kit, Access to /factions world +1 AH, +1 CP** +1 AH, +1 CP** 3 JS, Kit
Corporal $75,000 Tier I 1x AC, +1 AH (3), Personal /mounts 1x AC*, Kit 1x AC*, Kit +1 CP
Sergeant $125,000 Tier II +1 CP (2) Pay Raise (+3% Selling Bonus) Pay Raise (+3% Selling Bonus) Pay Raise (+3% Selling Bonus), Kit,
Personal Mount Speed Increase
Lieutenant $250,000 Tier II +1 AH (4) 1x AC*, Brewing Kit 1x AC*, Brewing Kit +1 Home, +2 Locker Slots
Colonel $525,000 Tier II 1x AC, +1 Home (5), 2 JS,
Personal Mount Speed Increase
+1 Home, +2 Locker Slots +1 Home, +2 Locker Slots +1 CP, 1x Prestige Key
Commander $750,000 Tier II 1x AC, +1 CP (4), +2 Locker Slots 1x AC*, Kit 1x AC*, Kit +1 AH, 1x Prestige Key, Kit
Personal Mount Speed Increase
DeputyChief $1,000,000 Tier III 1x AC, +1 AH (5), +1 CP (5) +1 CP +1 CP +1 Home, 1x Prestige Key, +1 CP
Chief $1,750,000 Tier III +1 Home (6), +1 CP (6) 1x AC* 1x AC* +1 CP, 1x Prestige Key.
Commissioner $3,000,000 Tier III 1x AC, +1 CP (7), Personal Mount Speed Increase Personal Mount Speed Increase Personal Mount Speed Increase 2x Prestige Key, Kit,
Personal Mount Speed Increase, +1 CP

* Only for prestiges 1-3.

** Only for prestige 1-5.

Rankup Packs

Rankup packs come in three tiers, and the tier rewarded for ranking up is based on the price of the rankup.

Rankup pack rewards, ordered by rarity (most to least rare):

Tier I Tier II Tier III
$45,000 $90,000 $360,000
Tier I Rankup Armour Set Tier II Rankup Armour Set Tier III Rankup Armour Set
10% Personal Chem Selling Bonus - 15 Minutes 10% Personal Chem Selling Bonus - 30 Minutes 10% Personal Chem Selling Bonus - 60 Minutes
Auto-Replant/Double Drops Voucher - 20 Minutes Auto-Replant/Double Drops Voucher - 40 Minutes Auto-Replant/Double Drops Voucher - 90 Minutes
$30,000 $120,000 $240,000
1x Totem of Undying 2x Totem of Undying
3x Weak Mobility Concoction 3x Mobility Concoction 3x Strong Mobility Concoction
3x Weak Stealth Concoction 3x Stealth Concoction 3x Strong Stealth Concoction
3x Weak Haste Concoction 3x Haste Concoction 3x Strong Haste Concoction
Tier I Rankup Sword Tier II Rankup Sword Tier III Rankup Sword
Tier I Rankup Bow Tier II Rankup Bow Tier III Rankup Bow
Tier I Rankup Pickaxe Tier II Rankup Pickaxe Tier III Rankup Pickaxe
Tier I Rakup Axe Tier II Rankup Axe Tier III Rankup Axe
Tier I Rankup Shovel Tier II Rankup Shovel Tier III Rankup Shovel
15x mcMMO Credits 35x mcMMO Credits 75x mcMMO Credits
5x Weak Pocket Rocket 5x Pocket Rocket 5x Strong Pocket Rocket

Prestiging and Prestige Rewards


Upon reaching Director or Commissioner, you can prestige and progress to Junky or Informant of the next prestige. There are ten chemrank prestiges and five police rank prestiges.

After first prestige, in order to be able to prestige, you must unlock the next prestige. Chem prestiges are unlocked by selling a certain amount of a single type of chem. Police prestiges are unlocked by collecting a certain amount of contraband. You can see your progress towards prestige unlocks with /prestige progress, and see how many prestiges you have unlocked with /prestige.

Following all of the prestiges, there is a set of Master Prestige ranks for both chemranks and police ranks. Each Master Prestige rank costs 5x the price of the corresponding rank. Upon completing Master Prestige, you will achieve either Chem Lord or Operator status, and can access Mastery (/mastery).

Unlocking Prestiges

An example of what the prestige progress items look like. This one is specifically for selling Wheatium.

Once you are Director or Commissioner of your current prestige, you can not progress until you unlock the next prestige. Prestiges are unlocked by completing prestige achievements. For chem prestiges, this means selling a specific amount of one of the types of chem. For police prestiges, it means collecting a certain amount of contraband.

For the chemselling prestige achievements, your sales of each base chems tracked, and the number progresses each time you sell that chem. Each base chem has its own goal, ranging from 100-875 inventories of that chemsold. When you sell a chem combo, you'll earn progress for each chemin that combo, based on the ratios it is crafted with. You can also earn progress by running and posting runner jobs. You can only earn 50% of the progress for each chem through posting runner jobs, you must run the rest yourself (either selling your own, or by doing other players' runner jobs). When you meet the goal number of chem sold for a certain chem , you will unlock a chem prestige.

Tip: To see how much of a certain chem you've sold through posting runner jobs, use /prestige runnersales <chem>

Police prestige achievements are based on number of contraband collected from frisking players. 75 inventories of contraband must be collected to unlock each police prestige.

For each prestige achievement you complete, you will unlock one prestige. They can be done in any order. To unlock Chem Lord Status, you must complete the achievement of each for the 14 base chems.

View your unlocked prestiges with /prestige. View your progress for each prestige achievement with /prestige progress.

Prestige Rewards

At first prestige (Junky I), a museum bust is awarded (/museum busts). The sign updates with the prestige of the player each time they prestige. A player can have two busts; one for chem rank prestiges, and one for police rank prestiges.

Each prestige will reward one prestige key.


Once you have obtained your Max Rank (either as through Chems or Police), you unlock the Mastery system where you can deposit money into your Mastery fund for more perks. Read more about Mastery, the requirements, and the rewards at Mastery.