
From MCLabs

MCLabs strives to create an environment that is welcoming and enjoyable for every player. In order to accomplish that, we have strict rules that must be followed by all players. There are no exceptions to these rules, and trying to find loopholes to get away with borderline violations will result in applicable punishment.

General Rules

Please note that aside from these rules, staff have the ability to take action with their own discretion in necessary situations.

  1. No hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Ask a staff member if you believe something may be an exploit.
    * This includes abusing vanilla mechanics/abilities to achieve a result which would be considered an unfair advantage (block glitching, seeing through chunks/blocks, etc.)
    * This includes taking advantage of quirks and unintended side effects of custom mechanics with the goal of getting an advantage not intended by that mechanic, such as placing other blocks to destroy deepslate with a Jackhammer.
    * This includes joining group chats you have not been given permission to join.
    * This also includes particular vanilla mechanics that require going out of your way to gain information (using F3/debug data such as entity count, "pie-ray" (using the F3 debug menu pie chart to locate bases) or any other debug information.)
  2. Chat Guidelines:
    2a: Do not flood chat - try to merge short, subsequent chat messages into the same line.
    2b: Take one-on-one arguments and discussions into private messages (/msg) or group chat (/group).
    2c: English only in main chat.
    2d: Do not post malicious links in chat. Links to popular sites (e.g. YouTube, Twitch, etc.) are permitted.
    2e: Full-caps are allowed, as long as the message follows all other rules.
    2f: Inflammatory chat behaviour is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, behaviour intended to rile up other players, cause chaos, and incite chat flooding.
  3. Don't be an asshole; use common sense.
    3a: Treat all other players with respect. Banter/trash talking is allowed but you may be warned to stop if it becomes excessive.
    3b: Excessive hate will not be tolerated and will result in a mute without warning.
    3c: Not all rules are explicitly listed here; each situation is unique and will be handled under staff interpretation.
  4. No begging for free items, ranks, money, etc.
  5. Alternate accounts are not allowed.
    * Tell us if you have someone else playing on your IP.
    * Be prepared to verify with an admin.
    * Similarly, sharing your account one or more other person is not allowed.
  1. Combat logging (logging out to avoid PvP) and police logging (logging out to avoid police) are not allowed.
    * Going on runner duty/taking jobs and switching servers without cooldown are considered combat logging.
  2. Scamming is not allowed.
    7a: This includes TP trapping, as well as baiting players into PvP chunks in the Town world.
    7b: It is the responsibility of the people involved in an agreement to have evidence of the agreement. Agreements that are made without any form of evidence will not be investigated by staff and will be assumed to be void. Proof from both parties agreeing to it is required to uphold the agreement.
    7c: Agreements for "investments" (e.g. player-run "coins", "stocks", etc.) or money loans taken with the intent of wagering the money are not protected under this rule. Players will be punished for not fulfilling their end of such agreements, but we will not recover any owed debts.
    7d Agreements with the goal of circumventing server mechanics and limitation (e.g. no-raid agreements with a faction that you are not allied with) are not protected under this rule.
  3. Do not impersonate police (wearing blue armour and/or acting like police).
  4. Some AFK machines/mechanics are not allowed:
    9a: AFK fishing machines/fish farms are not allowed.
    9b: Cobblestone generators are not allowed.
    9c: Any macro/mod that allows you to automate actions is not allowed (holding down keys/mouse is allowed).
    9d: Any method intended to grind Jobs actions while AFK is not allowed.
  5. Do not plant/drop chems on other players.
  6. Do not drop large amounts of items on the ground. Use /bin
  7. Do not impersonate staff.
  8. Do not send fake/trick teleport requests.
  9. Schematica/Litematica are permitted, but there are restrictions on the use of their extensions.
    14a: Printer is never allowed under any circumstances.
    14b: EasyPlace is allowed in the Overworld and Underworld only to switch the block currently held in your hand. You may not use it to place blocks in-air or in any other manner besides this.
    14c: EasyPlace is allowed in the Raid World for both switching the block currently held in your hand and placing blocks in-air. Note that the anticheat may still kick you if you attempt to do this too fast or abuse it in any way.
    14d: All other extensions to Schematica/Litematica are not allowed. If you ever have a question, please contact a staff member before using an addition or a feature provided before an addition that could possibly be illegal.
  10. Raiding, griefing, and obstructing others in any way is not allowed in the Overworld and Underworld.
  11. Do not grief/obstruct other players during server events (Mini-events, tournaments, etc.)
    16a: This specifically includes going out of your way, at the cost of your own score in the event, to obstruct other players. For example, standing on a single block in a parkour Mini-Event, or following a player in a KoTH Mini-Event and hitting them, while not trying to get on a hill yourself.

Farm Rules

See Farm Rules

Police Rules

Violating any of these rules may result in not only a ban but also removal of the ability to be a cop for the remainder of the map.

  1. You may frisk anyone wherever you can reach them in the spawn world except in the player shops.
  2. You may not use/harvest farms. You may help build farms, but can not harvest/plant them. See below for exception related to alcohol brewing.
  3. Do not frisk people in the wild world, at warp tutorial, or during a drop party.
  4. Do not frame people by throwing chems on the ground.
  5. Do not take bribes from players (eg. Taking money to let them go, taking "bail" money from them).
  6. Do not use speed, jump, or invisibility potions while on duty.
  7. Do not use /hat while on duty.
  8. Selling chems for other players or selling chems that you had before enrolling into the police is punishable by permanent ban.

Overworld Rules

The overworld is what use to be 'Town world'

  1. Insiding your town for resources is not allowed.
  2. Griefing any town or unclaimed area that is being developed is not allowed.
  3. Raiding towns or unclaimed areas that are being developed is not allowed.
  4. Town and Nation names must generally follow the same rules as chat and nicknames. If your Town or Nation name is vulgar, derogatory, racist, or references another player without their permission you will be asked to change it.

Underworld Rules

Griefing, raiding, and stealing are not allowed in the Underworld (previously the "Factions World")

  1. Griefing, raiding and stealing is not allowed (It doesnt matter if the area is claimed or unclaimed)
  2. Insiding companies is not allowed (This means you cannot take valuable items from a company you are in and then intend to leave and make your own company)
  3. Company hopping (broadly defined as “leaving or remaking a company to avoid restrictions”) is not allowed.
  4. Company names must generally follow the same rules as chat and nicknames. If your company name is vulgar, derogatory, racist, or references another player without their permission you will be asked to change it.
  5. You may not use faction titles and or color codes to obscure or fake the names of the people in your faction.
  6. You may not intrude in another company's land, unless: it is clear that they intend for it to be public, or, you were invited into it.

Player Shops and Auction House Rules

Player Shops

These are some basic rules for shop owners. For more information please see Player Shops

  1. Shops must be selling 3 different items minimum, and be restocked fairly regularly. VIP, VIP+, MVP, MVP+, and MVP++ Kit items do not count towards the 3 item minimum.
  2. Storing items in your shop is not allowed. Valuable items may not be used as decoration.
  3. Scamming or other tricks in shops are not allowed. Items sold cannot be intentionally misleading about their use or affect, whether that is by their name or how they are advertised.
  4. Seeds and lab materials that do not appear in /chems can be sold in shops (The exception to this rule is Cocobinide and Cactium, which is not allowed to be sold).
  5. Shop decorations must stay within your shop region (the area you can build in), including but not limited to beacon trails, water and lava.
  6. Once your shop is set up it must be accessible at all times. Do not wall off your shop, or build it in a way that can cause a player to get stuck inside it.

Scamming, item storage, or abusing the build region in your shop in any way will result in a ban and the loss of your shop.

Auction House

Violating any of these rules may result in you losing the ability to sell on the Auction house

  1. Scamming on the Auction House is not allowed under any circumstances.
  2. Items listed on the auction must be reasonably priced.
  3. You may not list renamed items to serve as advertisements.
  4. Seeds and Lab materials that do not appear in /chems can be sold in the Auction House (The exception to this rule is Cocobinide, which is not allowed to be sold).

Violating /advert rules multiple times will result in losing the ability to use advertisements

  1. All adverts must be atleast 5 minutes apart from eachother
  2. You must be advertising some kind of in-game item, service, Company/Town, etc. (do not use /advert for miscellaneous messages)
  3. You may not repeat the same message in a single advert.
  4. The text around your advertisement must be directly related to the item, service, Company/Town, etc. that you are promoting.
  5. Advertising an unrelated message and then including what you otherwise would be allowed to advertise is still against the rules. (ex. Goodchum is big smell, buy boss souls at A1, or advertising something that doesn’t have to do with buying/selling or a service/feature on the server)

Discord/Teamspeak Rules

  1. Soundboards are not allowed in public channels.
  2. No voice changers in public channels.
  3. Mic Spamming is not allowed under any circumstances.
  4. Do not add fake tags to your name.
  5. Do not spam in any way.
  6. Avatars must not be - Porn, Gore, Advertisements (use common sense).
  7. If you go afk for a prolonged period of time use the AFK channels.
  8. Don't be an ass.

Website Rules

  1. Do not spam. Excessive use of capital letters, colors, etc is also included in this rule. Do not excessively bump threads, or create multiple identical threads.
  2. Do not disrespect staff. The staff are here to help, don't make their jobs harder.
  3. No advertising. Do not post the IP of other TeamSpeak servers. Do not post fake IPs or player IP addresses. Do not attempt to advertise for self gain.
  4. No racist, homophobic or excessive offensive language or harassment.
  5. Do not release glitches/exploits. Do not release information on how to do an exploit/glitch. Report it to staff right away.
  6. Only one forums account per player. Do not have more than one forum account.
  7. Do not post private or personal information. Any information including Skype names, IP addresses, family information, Facebook pages, etc. If you have any doubt if rather what you are about to post is personal information, contact an admin before posting.
  8. Do not post inappropriate content. Do not post disturbing links, pornography, shock links or anything that may be deemed inappropriate. We choose rather or not the content is inappropriate, do not post questionable content without asking an admin beforehand.
  9. No Abuse of Rating System. Do not spam like your friends or your own account.
  10. Low quality / Low effort posts will be removed. Do not create threads for the only purpose of a joke.
  11. Do not post on a report if you are not staff. (Unless you are the one who is filing the report or involved with it)