As much as I love the pit, there are some flaws I see with the bosses. With the addition of the area for new players, and how many bosses got buffed... the divide seems to be too high. The bosses in the back/normal area of the pit are extremely hard, and I know it's not meant to be a walk in the park, but between needing a team to kill some of them, and the low amount of drops, it's simply not worth it to go back there. The chasm is a lot easier than the back area and gives more drops. The famine is easily solo killed compared to any of the normal bosses and in a lot shorter time too. With 3 people it was harder to kill a king slime than for either of us to solo a famine. The new area is simply too easy to get souls, with 30 minutes in the pit I can get roughly 3 souls worth of fragments, or go to the back and get 1-2 all while having harder fights. I suggest making it so it costs more than 30 fragments per soul, or making it so bosses drop fewer fragments, nerf some of the bosses in the back to equal out the difference from new -> normal, and possibly make it so the Famine spawns 4 bosses instead of 1 (Death, War, Famine, Plague) and each drop 1 soul on death to make the famine 4x harder and gives the same drops, making it so it's a lot harder, or impossible to solo kill as the chasm should be.
I will agree with puppy that its not worth it to go to normal area since in a hour pit you will only spawn 1-2 bosses which are very strong and hard to kill, and really easy to kill you, i think how it is supposed to be is you kill bosses you buy armor so you can go back to get better loot, but even people with op armor don't anymore, chasm is better but its not for everyone since there is pvp there and most people avoid it. Also the fact that people dont usually go back and its extremely hard to kill bosses by your self (brawler 2 shoted me when i just had a golden apple, and pit tiger hits 6 hearts at once and you barely have time to recover health before the next hit in p4) i dont know about the rest mobs cause the 5 hours pit i have been after the easy area was added i only spawned those two in 5 hours pit . I don't believe its really worthy to go 1 hour in the pit for 2-5 souls and for players that farm souls alone or cant go to chasm its really hard to get souls and i don't believe its that fun either
I appreciate the feedback; in response, I've weakened the normal surface bosses and added a slight chance for them to drop additional souls, while making the Chasm and its bosses slightly more difficult. The brawler is a bit easier to solo. Also, the chance for a boss to spawn when killing a normal surface mob has been increased by 1% across all normal surface mobs.
The easy surface was balanced by decreasing the mini-boss spawn rate and the chance of boss soul fragments dropping from weak mobs, as well as slightly decreasing the amount of boss soul fragments dropped by mini-bosses.
I'll consider the idea of the Famine boss having four phases.
Keep up the feedback, as it is the best way to help balance The Pit and make it more worthwhile.