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Denied me and my brother have two accounts and the same ip address

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New Member
In Game Name :FineDinedAnd69
Length of Ban :prem
Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : 2 alts
Staff who banned you :Got Edit
Staff who dealt with you :Got Edit
Staff who have warned you previously :no one
Reason for ban on record :alts
Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) :i am jeffalonz but jeff is my little brother and im devin and we have one laptop and 2 accounts
Why what is your explanation of this reason? :^^^^^^^^
Why should we unban you : my little brother got banned which is jeffalonz and im FineDinedAnd69 and we play on the same ip address
What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? :not letting jeff play on my account
How can we trust you again? :cuz i been trying to play on this server but i coundnt cuz me and my brother have the same ip and we have differnant accounts
What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? :please unban me i love this server and i will be care full next time before i start playing


Well-Known Member
Contributor II
You can be unbanned if you can prove to us that you are two different people and not just one person pretending to be two. You can prove this by joining our teamspeak server and to prove that you are different people.
Until then, this appeal will stay on Hold.

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) :i am jeffalonz but jeff is my little brother and im devin and we have one laptop and 2 accounts
Here, you are just contradicting yourself by saying you are jeffalonz but then you say Jeff is your brother...

Kind regards,


Well-Known Member
I can assure you that reporting him for abuse will get you nowhere. If you can figure out a way to fully prove you are 2 separate people, or get teamspeak and do it that way, we would be more than happy to fix this.


New Member
I can assure you that reporting him for abuse will get you nowhere. If you can figure out a way to fully prove you are 2 separate people, or get teamspeak and do it that way, we would be more than happy to fix this.
i only have skype or discord and if i use skype i can video chat


Well-Known Member
Contributor II
Discord can work if you can both get on and prove that you are separate people.

You can add me on discord by adding the name "GotEdit"
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