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Sun Recruitment

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New Member
IGN: cyanidecigar


Time Zone: PST

In-game Rank: Trafficker(server reset so yeah)

Total Online Time: 30h 51m

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): lolcrafter123456789#2441

Previous Factions, If Any: N/A

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A):N/A

What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?: good redstone knowhow, my excessive dedication to minor projects, and my willingness to spend lots of time online.

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Personally, I like building. I'm not a great designer, but I know how to make things work, especially with more detail than usual.

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I can spend lots of time helping the faction, am very familiarized with how MCDrugs works already, and as said before, I have a relatively decent amount of redstone knowhow.


New Member

IGN: CoolChocolate

Age: 23

Time Zone: EST

In-game Rank: about to be trafficker

Total Online Time: 10h

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): socks#1565

Previous Factions, If Any: nope

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): no one joined

What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?: every

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: drug

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? im Cool and im a Chocolate

You can expect a response within 1 week from date of application


New Member
Time Zone:
In-game Rank:
Total Online Time:
Cant see cuz idk, this map I've been playing for 2 hours but before a lot more
Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #):
Previous Factions, If Any:
Traplords, map before I was in Insiders
Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A):
Map reset
What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?:
Grinding, decent at pvp
What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?:
drinking alcohol
Why Should we Accept you Over Others?
Im online a lot and can do most of the building tasks
Age: 16

In-game Rank: Mule but I am working on ranking up

Total Online Time: Sadly only 2h and 42 minutes rn since today is my first day on since the reset

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): Yes, my Discord name & # is: Angel #7465

Previous Factions, If Any: N/A

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): N/A

What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?: I try to be as active as possible and am willing to help out as much as needed, really good with farming and mining.

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Iv been playing since 2019 and I've mostly enjoyed looking for bases to raid with my friends and mining, also just goofing around and leaving silly builds in wild.

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm much better than the others applying but I get along with others really quickly and am willing to help out as much as I can. I hope that Ill be able to get along with the other mates in the fac if I do by chance get accepted and be more involved with the Mcdrugs community and most importantly just have fun.

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New Member
2023 Gold Founder
IGN: Schirtzii

Age: 18

Time Zone: Eastern

In-game Rank: Trafficker + (Going up fast)

Total Online Time: 24hr atm

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): Schirtzi#4509

Previous Factions, If Any: None

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): N/A

What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?: Online time and good ping (can get away from cops fast and I know the map already)

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Farming and PVP

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I can be online atleast 5 hr/day and am fine doing whatever, I have access to VC in disc. and am just overall pretty chill
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New Member
2022 Gold Founder
Whisky Recruitment

About Whisky:

  • Whisky is a new faction this map ran by Keonbk1 and kSoren
  • We are a raiding/PvP oriented faction, but are looking for people with all different skills sets.
  • We also are not afraid to get our hands dirty, so if your looking to get into some action, this is the place for you!
  • All major decision in the faction are voted on by all the members, including faction ranks, accepting new members, and course of action as the faction moves forward. This ensures that no matter how new you are, you will always have a say in what happens within the faction!
  • Ranks and access to vaults are earned over time, do not come in expecting free ranks/items as we believe that everything should be gained with trust and hard work over time.
  • If you have any questions about the faction or the application, feel free to message any of the above mentioned players on discord.

  • At least 25+ hours on the server (the more the better)
  • We would like to to have the rank of grower or above, but this is not a necessity to be accepted
  • The ability to be online at least twice a week to maintain your faction power
  • Able to communicate through discord, voice chat is preferred, but not needed
  • Willingness to help with base building, raids, or PvP

Please use the form below for your application:

IGN: Jay_Crafter789

Age: 21

Time Zone: USEAST

In-game Rank: Producer

Total Online Time: 56 hours

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): J4Y#7568

Previous Factions, If Any: I cant remember

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): Got busy in life

What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?: Farming, building, pvp once I warm back up. Been away for about 2 years and Im coming back.

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: A bit of everything, keeps me from getting bored

Why Should we Accept you Over Others?: I really enjoy pit, One of my weaknesses is how many pit books I buy.

You can expect a response within 1 week from date of application


New Member
IGN: MichaelMVS

AGE: 15


In-Game Rank: Mass Producer

Online Time: Nearing 30 hours (No AFKing included btw)

Discord: Yes, MichaelMVS#3431

Previous Factions: Basically none (One for maybe an hour, not even)

Reasons I left: Wasn't serious

Skills: pretty good PVPer, some random guy who wakes up at 3 am when nobody else is online and grinds for 5 hours straight. Also decent at Redstone. Used to do TNT cannons, however this skill has worn off slightly.

What do I enjoy: PVPing/Base raiding. I also enjoy grinding (as well as some gambling on the side)

Accept over others: I feel like with upcoming times on the way, and grace period having just ended, everyone is going to want to go on a raiding/pvping rampage for the next week or two, and having a few extra capable hands can help A. put down said attacks, and B. help contribute on them to others.


New Member
2023 Gold Founder
IGN: MichaelMVS

AGE: 15


In-Game Rank: Mass Producer

Online Time: Nearing 30 hours (No AFKing included btw)

Discord: Yes, MichaelMVS#3431

Previous Factions: Basically none (One for maybe an hour, not even)

Reasons I left: Wasn't serious

Skills: pretty good PVPer, some random guy who wakes up at 3 am when nobody else is online and grinds for 5 hours straight. Also decent at Redstone. Used to do TNT cannons, however this skill has worn off slightly.

What do I enjoy: PVPing/Base raiding. I also enjoy grinding (as well as some gambling on the side)

Accept over others: I feel like with upcoming times on the way, and grace period having just ended, everyone is going to want to go on a raiding/pvping rampage for the next week or two, and having a few extra capable hands can help A. put down said attacks, and B. help contribute on them to others.
Accepted, I will add you on discord.


New Member
IGN: VoydEater

Age: 23

Time Zone: EST

In-game Rank: Grower

Total Online Time: 27h 17m

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): Neesh#2876

Previous Factions, If Any: Aegis (last map)

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A):New map

What Skills Can You Bring to Whisky?: Auto Farm building, base building, decent at PvP

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Farming and Raiding, of course making money

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? Really chill active player


New Member
IGN: Streaming


Time Zone: pst

In-game Rank:Chemist

Total Online Time:120 hrs

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #):baked#4416

Previous Factions, If Any:n/a

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A):n/a

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?:farming, base building, raids

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?:Gambling

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I am regularly online and always farming and searching for bases to raid.


New Member
IGN: 47CrispyWaffles

Age: 16

Time Zone: EST

In-game Rank: Chemist

Total Online Time: 84 hours

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): The Waffle#3715

Previous Factions, If Any: None

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): N/A

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?: I am rather knowledgeable in redstone and farms and the like and could contribute in a big way to projects concerning massive auto farms. I am not currently familiar with faction base or cannon designs but could become proficient if I were simply shown some designs. I am also a somewhat competent pvper though it is not my foremost skill and is not the main reason I play the server.

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Build farms and occasionally PVP.

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I'm a longtime veteran of the server with a good work ethic and would try my best to meaningfully contribute in any way that I can.


New Member
IGN: 10x42

Age: 22

Time Zone: EST

In-game Rank: MVP++ cause I'm rich?

Total Online Time: Since like 2015-16? (i think?) I used to be an admin on ( other undisclosed drug server) when it was poppin' and we'd log on to here and just play

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): Zyves#5611

Previous Factions, If Any: Uh, FBGM

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): The tunnel snakes never leave

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?: I'm rich? nah jk I'm a pretty decent pvp'er and I talk mad shit

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Talking shit and getting mad at a computer screen

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I'll put it simply...
If these hoes trippin, I ain't trippin bout my pimpin' .... Only three things in this muffuckin world I love and that's, ass shakin, heart breakin', and paper makin' baby
-Pimp out


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New Member
2021 Gold Founder
IGN: JawnCawn

Age: 17

Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard time

In-game Rank: Junky

Total Online Time: Had an ot over 1400 hours until it was reset

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): Indeed (you know it)

Previous Factions, If Any: Eden

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): Wasn't playing

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?: I feel that my determination to be the best will help this faction grow

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Gambling Pvping

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? Idk


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Time Zone:
In-game Rank:
Drug Baron
Total Online Time:
Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #):
Previous Factions, If Any:
Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A):
What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?:
I have lots of resources and can bring a good team oriented attitude
What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?:
big farmer and being apart of a community
Why Should we Accept you Over Others?:
I like to farm, farming makes money, and money makes your faction better


New Member
IGN: DoG161

Age: 19

Time Zone: GMT

In-game Rank: Drug Baron

Total Online Time: 57 hours

Previous Factions, If Any:N/A
Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): N/A

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?: Can get into any base i like tbh

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: Nothing

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? Because I might cry if i dont


New Member
IGN: xPrxmises, formally iPansycake02

Age: 19

Time Zone: +10

In-game Rank: MassProducer

Total Online Time: 80h

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): xPrxmises#4102

Previous Factions, If Any: Eden, Vanguard, Smash, Big Doinks

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): New map

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?: I would say I am okay with redstone, but very good with farm building. I also will do pretty much any task thrown at me.

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: I like to farm and talking to others, after playing MCD for 7 years I have grown to love the community.

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I would say I am more experienced than your average player that may be applying as I have been playing on and off for around 7 years. I am also very active, on a weekly basis I am playing practically everyday and if I am not playing I am atleast AFK. I have also been apart of big factions like Eden with also helping with their base being built so I know what tasks given to me may entail being apart of a big faction.


New Member
2023 Gold Founder
IGN: xPrxmises, formally iPansycake02

Age: 19

Time Zone: +10

In-game Rank: MassProducer

Total Online Time: 80h

Do you have discord (if so please put your discord name and #): xPrxmises#4102

Previous Factions, If Any: Eden, Vanguard, Smash, Big Doinks

Reasons you left (If you were not in another faction put N/A): New map

What Skills Can You Bring to Undisclosed?: I would say I am okay with redstone, but very good with farm building. I also will do pretty much any task thrown at me.

What do you Enjoy Doing on MCD?: I like to farm and talking to others, after playing MCD for 7 years I have grown to love the community.

Why Should we Accept you Over Others? I would say I am more experienced than your average player that may be applying as I have been playing on and off for around 7 years. I am also very active, on a weekly basis I am playing practically everyday and if I am not playing I am atleast AFK. I have also been apart of big factions like Eden with also helping with their base being built so I know what tasks given to me may entail being apart of a big faction.
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