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Invalid Staff abuse

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New Member
Your IGN : spongeboq
Player to be reported : kadewyd
Player being reported Rank : MVP+ idk some staff member
Describe your issue in detail : keeps muting me when I ask for a fac. He says I spam and don't listen to staff but I can see his stupid comments. I wasn't even spamming I said a few words every 3-4 min. He needs to chillax with that muting. I'm not gonna waste my time filling out faction apps when I get denied every time.
Why do you feel this is worth a report : Because he's abusing his power and not understanding my reasoning for asking for a fac. What's the big deal with that. It's not harming anyone and I'm not saying it 10 times in 1 min
Attached Evidence here : just look at the chat history


Staff member
There was no staff abuse. I was online at the time, you kept asking the same question in chat, something along the lines of "any faction I can join?????". You were told by Kade that you could sign up for our website and go to the faction recruitment section to find a faction, which we have to stop people from spamming chat looking for a faction like you did. You were muted for it, then continued to do it again after your mute was over, as well as saying you did not want to sign up for our "stupid ass website". It looks like you did end up signing up for our stupid ass website, however it was pointless, since this report is invalid.
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