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Reclusive Faction Recruitment


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
⇢ Reclusive Faction Recruitment ⇠
About us:

This is our first map together as a faction, we're mostly a farm-oriented faction, although we do partake in pvp and raiding as well, but those skill sets aren't required. We're looking for members who have a passion for the game/server/community and want to rank-up and have fun together. Everyone in the faction has a say in what we do as a whole. We have an active faction discord where members can join voice calls and see discussions as well as projects.

Requirements to join:

◉ 20+ hours of online time.

◉ Technician rank or above.

◉ Would prefer members to not have an extensive /history.

◉ Would prefer members to not be excessively toxic in chat or have consistent player beefs.

◉ Would prefer members to be active somewhat consistently, although we understand players have lives outside of the game.


Time Zone:
Online Time (/ot):
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A):
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A):
Why do you want to join Reclusive:
What do you expect from joining Reclusive:
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive:

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New Member
Ign: forkdaddyjunior
age: 21
discord: CursedLogic
/ot 47 hr
rank: producer
previous factions: N/A
Why? cause im BACK BABY
What to expect: fuckin money and knowledge
Qualities: I show up most of the time, ill be with you in pit, prison, w/e call on me. Im self sufficient, and I learn quickly other than that I'm a good friend. Eventually I can be your 0 interest loan.


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
Ign: forkdaddyjunior
age: 21
discord: CursedLogic
/ot 47 hr
rank: producer
previous factions: N/A
Why? cause im BACK BABY
What to expect: fuckin money and knowledge
Qualities: I show up most of the time, ill be with you in pit, prison, w/e call on me. Im self sufficient, and I learn quickly other than that I'm a good friend. Eventually I can be your 0 interest loan.


New Member
IGN: TheDarkOrder

Age: 20

Discord: MrWhiteyIsAwesome#7011

Time Zone: CST

Online Time (/ot): 19 hours

Rank: Smuggler

Previous Factions: N/A

Reasons for leaving: N/A

Why do you want to join Reclusive: a nice guy who I met on MCDrugs, DarkShadows431
recommend that I apply to this faction and I want to join the faction because I feel I'd be a good fit for the faction.

What do you expect from joining Reclusive: I expect to be apart of a good faction with likeminded people who have the same goals and overall are a positive impact on my playing experience.

Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: I'm active on a pretty consistent basis and generally check in on days I'm not going to be online for a multiple hours. I'm easy going and not hard to get along with. No ban history or anything like that on MCDrugs.

If any more questions are needed please contact me in-game or on discord. Hopefully I've done a good job on the application and I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.


New Member
Discord: Notte17#0340
Time Zone: CET
Online Time (/ot):24h on McLab but on McDrugs and on maps before over 300h
Rank: Engineer
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A):N/A just small with friends
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: I feel like i can be to much help en fun to join a good fac.
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: I dont expect so much, just that it got recommended and seemed like a good fac.
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: Im very hard working and i can easily be put to work, aswell as being online often and grinding


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
Accepted! Add Fostman06#0490 on discord.
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New Member
IGN: slimeyRose
Age: 22
Discord: RoseMarie#2218
Time Zone: EST
Online Time (/ot): 419hrs
Rank: Pharmacologist
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): Pride
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): General Faction Inactivity
Why do you want to join Reclusive: Lonely! Bored! Need online peeps. Like to build base spaces :>
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: Friends! More farm experience.
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: No more loneliness lol


New Member
IGN: Ezyw_
Age: 15
Discord: Ezyw_#9673
Time Zone: AEST (melbourne/sydney times)
Online Time (/ot): 10h 31min (over 6 days old maps)
Rank: technition
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): N/A
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: it was sugested by Mankinnn to try to join.
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: not much, just a nice group of people
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: i have played since 2020, i have some expireance.
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New Member
IGN: CudderKid22
Age: 26
Discord: CudiKid
Time Zone: EST
Online Time (/ot): 140 hours
Rank: Engineer
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): N/A
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: I really want some people to play with and have fun together.
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: People to play with and earn money together
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: I have a lot of experience and a huge auto mushroom farm!


New Member
Time Zone:GMT
Online Time:1 hour on this reset 160 on last reset
Previous Factions:drugs co
Reason for leaving i holiday for a month
why do i want to join relusive:it seems like a chill faction and i want a few people to play with
what do i expect from joining reclusive: people to play with earn money and a overall chill time
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive:i have done a couple of raids and i want to make a central faction zone for us


New Member
2023 Gold Founder
IGN: TheSaltyP0tat0
Age: 18
Discord: Salty#9471
Time Zone: EST
Online Time (/ot): 19 hours
Rank: BioEngineer
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): PimpJuice
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): I was inactive for 2 years because my pc broke and I had to get a new one
Why do you want to join Reclusive: I think it would be fun to play with different people
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: I just want to chill and have fun
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: I have alot of experience in this server and I can help out whenever you need me to
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Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
IGN: CudderKid22
Age: 26
Discord: CudiKid
Time Zone: EST
Online Time (/ot): 140 hours
Rank: Engineer
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): N/A
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: I really want some people to play with and have fun together.
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: People to play with and earn money together
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: I have a lot of experience and a huge auto mushroom farm!
Accepted! Add Fostman06#0490 on discord.


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
IGN: TheSaltyP0tat0
Age: 18
Discord: Salty#9471
Time Zone: EST
Online Time (/ot): 19 hours
Rank: BioEngineer
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): PimpJuice
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): I was inactive for 2 years because my pc broke and I had to get a new one
Why do you want to join Reclusive: I think it would be fun to play with different people
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: I just want to chill and have fun
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: I have alot of experience in this server and I can help out whenever you need me to
Accepted! Add Fostman06#0490 on discord.


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
Time Zone:GMT
Online Time:1 hour on this reset 160 on last reset
Previous Factions:drugs co
Reason for leaving i holiday for a month
why do i want to join relusive:it seems like a chill faction and i want a few people to play with
what do i expect from joining reclusive: people to play with earn money and a overall chill time
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive:i have done a couple of raids and i want to make a central faction zone for us


New Member
⇢ Reclusive Faction Recruitment ⇠
About us:

This is our first map together as a faction, we're mostly a farm-oriented faction, although we do partake in pvp and raiding as well, but those skill sets aren't required. We're looking for members who have a passion for the game/server/community and want to rank-up and have fun together. Everyone in the faction has a say in what we do as a whole. We have an active faction discord where members can join voice calls and see discussions as well as projects.

Requirements to join:

◉ 20+ hours of online time.

◉ Technician rank or above.

◉ Would prefer members to not have an extensive /history.

◉ Would prefer members to not be excessively toxic in chat or have consistent player beefs.

◉ Would prefer members to be active somewhat consistently, although we understand players have lives outside of the game.


IGN: KingBlackLion
Age: 20
Discord: LilBlanco420
Time Zone: central time
Online Time (/ot): 25 hrs 35 mins
Rank: Assistant
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): N/A
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: To Belong somewhere im new to minecraft
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: Nothing but fun tbh
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: Im loyal, hard working and i like to destory shit and also to engage in battles and love to make some sort of currency on minecraft



New Member
2023 Gold Founder
⇢ Reclusive Faction Recruitment ⇠
About us:

This is our first map together as a faction, we're mostly a farm-oriented faction, although we do partake in pvp and raiding as well, but those skill sets aren't required. We're looking for members who have a passion for the game/server/community and want to rank-up and have fun together. Everyone in the faction has a say in what we do as a whole. We have an active faction discord where members can join voice calls and see discussions as well as projects.

Requirements to join:

◉ 20+ hours of online time.

◉ Technician rank or above.

◉ Would prefer members to not have an extensive /history.

◉ Would prefer members to not be excessively toxic in chat or have consistent player beefs.

◉ Would prefer members to be active somewhat consistently, although we understand players have lives outside of the game.


Time Zone:
Online Time (/ot):
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A):
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A):
Why do you want to join Reclusive:
What do you expect from joining Reclusive:
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive:

IGN: DemonicSympathy
Age: 26
Discord: !Demonic!
Time Zone: Pacific
Online Time (/ot): 25h
Rank: Analyst
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): N/A
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: To join a group of people since i am still new to the server. Also want to work with others in building farms or bases.
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: Being part of base building or farm building.
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: Good Builder, Bad pvper.


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder

IGN: DemonicSympathy
Age: 26
Discord: !Demonic!
Time Zone: Pacific
Online Time (/ot): 25h
Rank: Analyst
Previous Factions (If none, use N/A): N/A
Reasons for leaving (If you don't have a previous faction, use N/A): N/A
Why do you want to join Reclusive: To join a group of people since i am still new to the server. Also want to work with others in building farms or bases.
What do you expect from joining Reclusive: Being part of base building or farm building.
Qualities you feel benefit Reclusive: Good Builder, Bad pvper.
Accepted! Add Fostman06#0490 on discord.

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