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Important info For dakotaa

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Hello my ign is Zorbken I have played o this server for a really long time I was even a cop for a while as one of the highest ranking police officer I played with fairness and never broke a rule until last week so please let me explain a little I asked a mod if I was allowed to raid still if I was a cop and the mod said yes I'm not sure who the mod was cause it has been a while and I have been in the hospital having a child but it was a misunderstanding on my part cause I took it as I was allowed to raid as a cop like on duty so I did exactly that I raided and i didn't realize that was against the rules well a mod that was on told me it was against the rules and i got jailed for it and i apologized and told him about the misunderstanding and he said okay not to do it again and i said okay i even paid money to the people i raided to make up for the drugs i took from there base after i sold them and i get off and get back on and killah told me spawl took my cop away all of my money and demoted me to the lowest rank which i think was a little uncalled for i was wondering if there was a way i could talk to the owners about thi situation so i can clear things up and get my cop back because i love this server and i love playing minecraft and i always follow the rules to a t

.. Zorbken


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say but we had reports of you breaking multiple cop rules. As a result of your most recent rule broken it ended up with the demotion and reset.
You're more than welcome to reapply for cop at a later date but please ensure you follow the set rules and if somebody informs you of a rule to take down who it was and what was said.


Cops get reported for breaking rules all the time its part of the server now I break one rule because I was told I could do what I did and it was a misunderstanding and I get reseted that's kinda steep deff for someone who has been on the server as long as I have been
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