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Denied Ban Appeal - Vasdev


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Member Name Vasdev

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: VDD

Length of Ban: 3 Days

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : Minecraft Temp-Ban

Staff who banned you : ThaCandyMan

Staff who dealt with you : ThaCandyMan

Staff who have warned you previously : N/A

Reason for ban on record : X-Ray (Hacking)

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : I found a village, and I've done it before, but there's normally a mineshaft, cave, spawners, etc. under villages. This village was raided, and a few blocks right at the surface was broken, so I went down to search. I think Candy did think I was X-Raying, and while I completely understand where the ban comes from, I was not.

Why what is your explanation of this reason? As I said earlier, I went down at the sight of a village. I have never hacked, and I will never hack, especially on the top server on my list - MC-Drugs. I only followed terrain rules, and I mined some coal and kept going down, and that's where I landed. If there's a way I can prove through logs or anything that I do not have a hacked client, I am willing to do that.

Why should we unban you? The server reset just launched, and I was amongst the first on and active right from the re-launch. I've just been spending hours on setting up my base, etc., and I really was not expecting a ban for something I didn't do this suddenly. To further it, if I wanted to hack, I would have gone out right away at re-launch and X-Rayed all the stuff as fast as I could. I did not do that though, this was the first spawner and I only found it because there was a village.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? I won't look for spawners at all if that's what it takes, I'll just buy spawners. I can provide any evidence needed as well.

How can we trust you again? I have been on the server for over a year now, and served a term as a helper here throughout my time. I also donated quite a bit of money on my ranks (rank and then upgrades), crate keys, nickname, and a few other things last map. I have been a donator and staff member, and hacking is not a resort acceptable for me, and I know that. I have not hacked, and I will never hack.

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? I understand if this is denied, as I see where Candy came from, but I would like another chance. I will never go searching for spawners at all if this can happened because of it, and I will just play on top of land as a regular player. I hope to come back sooner than the end date of my temp ban, but I am just here as I want to get somewhere on the server with what I have worked for in the last 8+ hours I spent online.

Thank you in advance for any decision, I hope this is considered.
- Gavin


Staff member
The reason for the ban wasn't because you were digging at the sight of a village. It was because of all the spots on top where the village was you decided to dig straight down towards the spawner of all spots around that village. Yes the village was pre raided and you could have chosen any spot at all to go down at... But the spot you chose was just "By Chance" a spawner. I will let another admin/owner review the appeal and accept nor deny so you don't think I am being biased towards my own ban. Thanks for the appeal and please be patient.

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