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Accepted Ban Appeal - creeper4evah


New Member
Member Name creeper4evah

Ban appeals are for when we have made a mistake, or there has been a significant change in the circumstances.
These are the only reasons a ban appeal would be accepted. Appeals for "apologies" or just admitting you did wrong will be instantly denied.

In Game Name: creeper4evah

Length of Ban: 7 days

Nature of ban(ie, mine craft temp banned or TS3 perm ban) : hacked client/block glitch

Staff who banned you : InFamousAge

Staff who dealt with you : none

Staff who have warned you previously : none

Reason for ban on record :

Why do you think you were banned?(what you think the admins thought) : I raid bases often and I think someone must have gotten mad and reported false claims to an admin.

What is your explanation of this reason? I was banned yesterday and I was not online yesterday, also I do not and have not used hacks or glitches to raid bases, I use tnt cannons and creeper eggs, which is allowed. I recently raided a base that had a person in the house as I exploded it with tnt, they seemed angry which is why I think they may have lied and said I was hacking.

Why should we unban you? I think you should unban me because I haven't used hacks or glitches whatsoever. I was just raiding bases with the allowed items, creeper eggs, and tnt cannons. Thank you

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? I will probably not be raiding bases while there is people online, because if they are mad they might tell lies that I am hacking.

How can we trust you again? I am a gold founder and have donate otten to this server. I also have never used hacks or glitches and will continue not to.

What else would you like to say to the admins who will review this case? My friend, DelusionalSnake who was raiding with me, was also falsely temp banned. We really just want to clear all this up and get back to growing selling and excelling. thanks

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