Lab Wars

From MCLabs

Lab Wars is a collaborative, team-based event where every player on the server is recruited, at random, by one of four labs. Players generate revenue for their lab through many activites on the server (selling/running/supplying chems, arresting players, fishing, killing mobs in The Pit, competing in events, and lab investments). All generated revenue is tracked and the top players and labs can be seen in the Lab Wars leaderboard (/lw).

The Labs

The first time you do something on the server that generates lab revenue, you will be recruited by one of the active labs at random. Once you're in a lab, your lab's symbol will show next to your name in your chat messages, and you'll get access to your lab's chat tag and chat channel (/lc <message>').

Each lab has its own channel in our Discord and in-game, and you'll get access to your lab's channel as long as your Discord account is linked (/link in Spawn).

Lab Elimination

Starting at Phase One, the lab that is in last place at the end of each phase is eliminated, until only one lab remains at the end of the event. Each player's original lab is tracked, and players who stay in their original lab until the end earn greater rewards.

Phase Zero is a safe phase, all labs are safe from elimination until the end of the first phase. Phase Zero is used to work out any balancing issues, allow time for players to get assigned to labs, and allow newer players or players unfamiliar with Lab Wars to get acclimated to it.

Lab Revenue, Dividends, and Investments

Lab Revenue is the core of Lab Wars. Revenue is a form of points that lab members earn by doing various server activities, including selling/running/supplying chems, arresting players, fishing, killing mobs in The Pit, competing in events, and through lab investments (/lw invest). All revenue is tracked, and the Lab Wars leaderboard (/lw) shows which players have generated the most revenue for their lab, as well as overall. At the end of each Lab Wars day, phase, and at the end of the event, the top players in each lab and overall earn additional rewards.

Along with position-based rewards, lab dividends are paid out at the end of each Lab Wars day to every player who has generated lab revenue that day. Dividends are money rewards paid to players based on their revenue generated and their lab's place at the end of that day.

Similar to dividends, lab investments pay out at the end of each day based on your lab's place. You can directly invest money into your lab with /lw invest <amount>, up to $1,000,000 per day, to instantly generate lab revenue. At the end of the lab wars day, you earn a return on your investment based on your lab's place that day.

Chem Bounties and Lab Selling Boosts

Bounty chems are chosen through bidding in /lw shop. Once a bounty chem is selected, selling this chem will generate anywhere from 1.25x more lab revenue and reward 25% more prestige progress. A bounty will last until a certain amount has been sold, or a time limit is hit, and then the next bounty is selected.

Along with chem bounties, every hour the lab that is in first place on the daily leaderboard at the moment gets a lab selling boost - a 10% boost to chem selling prices and prestige progress for all players in the lab. They keep this boost as long as they're in first place; if a different lab is in first place at the start of the next hour, the boost gets moved to that lab.

Events and Revenue Boosts

Events are hosted throughout Lab Wars that offer a chance to earn huge amounts of revenue. They're usually hosted on evenings and weekends - keep an eye on our Discord for announcements.

There are two mini-events held daily which offer a chance to earn revenue along with other in-game rewards! (/minevents)

Revenue can be boosted by Revenue Boosters. Players can purchase them (from the store or with Revenue Booster Fragments in /fragments), and they can be started when the global revenue goal is hit.

Daily Shop and Revenue Milestones

The Daily Shop is a way to "spend" your lab revenue. Spending your revenue does not remove from your or your lab's overall revenue - think of it as a separate balance that's increased by generating lab revenue. The shop has seven items each day, offering a mixture of personal, lab-wide, and global benefits. Your revenue balance resets at the end of each phase, so be sure to use it!

Revenue Milestones

As you earn revenue, you'll earn revenue milestone rewards. There are a set of milestones for each day, each phase, and overall. Hitting milestones by generating lab revenue grants rewards that will help both yourself and your lab. Milestones are enabled starting on Phase One.


When a lab goes bankrupt and is eliminated from Lab Wars, its members are absorbed by the remaining labs. While the re-assignment is random for most players, the top players of the eliminated lab will be re-assigned by draft.

At the end of each phase, the remaining labs will be asked to make a priority order of the top players of the eliminated lab, based on who they'd like most in their lab. These players will then be assigned to their new labs based on this order.

Lab Chat

Each lab has a private chat channel in-game, removing the need for players to create their own lab group chats. You can speak in your lab's chat channel with the /lc command. These chats are linked to the Discord channels for each lab similar to how the #ingame-chat channel works. Make sure you /link your Discord account in Spawn to get access.

Lab Wars History

Lab Wars I was first ran from November 3rd, 2022 and lasted through November 29th, 2022 and was the first iteration of Lab Wars. It marked a historic moment in MCLabs history and changed some of the scope of how MCLabs operates.

Lab Wars I

From November 3rd through November 29th of 2022, Royal Diamond Lab, Crimson Quadri Lab, Emerald Orb Lab, and Amber Delta Lab competed to take home the win for the first ever Lab Wars Event. The standings ended as follows:

- First Place Winner: Royal Diamond Lab ($428,253,500 overall revenue generated)
- Second Place: Crimson Quadri Lab ($290,062,197 overall revenue generated)
- Third Place: Emerald Orb Lab ($112,541,324 overall revenue generated)
- Fourth Place: Amber Delta Lab ($16,625,890 overall revenue generated)

With Royal Diamond Lab taking the win in Lab Wars I, their name was retired into the Hall of Lab Wars Victors. CQL, EOL, and ADL returned for Lab Wars II, along with a new fourth lab: Magenta Star Lab.

Lab Wars II

Lab Wars II began on January 22nd, 2023 and ran through February 19th, 2023. Four labs, Crimson Quadri Lab, Emerald Orb Lab, Amber Delta Lab, and Magenta Star Lab, entered the fight!

- First Place Winner: Emerald Orb Lab ($385,520,865 overall revenue generated)
- Second Place: Crimson Quadri Lab ($347,839,782 overall revenue generated)
- Third Place: Amber Delta Lab ($170,301,614 overall revenue generated)
- Fourth Place: Magenta Star Lab ($23,158,645 overall revenue generated)

With Emerald Orb Lab taking the win in Lab Wars II, their name was retired into the Hall of Lab Wars Victors.

Lab Wars III

Lab Wars III began on June 16th, 2023 and ran through July 2nd, 2023. Four labs, Crimson Quadri Lab, Cyan Crescent Lab, Amber Delta Lab, and Magenta Star Lab, entered the fight!

- First Place Winner: Amber Delta Lab ($393,057,730 overall revenue generated)
- Second Place: Cyan Crescent Lab ($356,028,488 overall revenue generated)
- Third Place: Crimson Quadri Lab ($161,945,308 overall revenue generated)
- Fourth Place: Magenta Star Lab ($57,693,819 overall revenue generated)

With Amber Delta Lab taking the win in Lab Wars III, their name was retired into the Hall of Lab Wars Victors.

Lab Wars IV

Lab Wars IV began on August 10th, 2023 and ran through August 27th, 2023. Four labs, Crimson Quadri Lab, Cyan Crescent Lab, Magenta Star Lab, and Silver Skull Lab, entered the fight!

- First Place Winner: Cyan Crescent Lab ($375,190,104 overall revenue generated)
- Second Place: Magenta Star Lab ($328,654,307 overall revenue generated)
- Third Place: Silver Skull Lab ($166,974,632 overall revenue generated)
- Fourth Place: Crimson Quadri Lab ($66,463,255 overall revenue generated)

With Cyan Crescent Lab taking the win in Lab Wars IV, they were retired into the Hall of Lab Wars Victors.

Lab Wars V

Lab Wars V began on January 13th, 2024 and ran through January 28th, 2024. The first four winning labs, Royal Diamond Lab, Emerald Orb Lab, Amber Delta Lab, and Cyan Crescent Lab, all return to fight for the title of Lab Wars Champion of Champions!

- First Place Winner: Emerald Orb Lab ($107,019,629.84 Lab Revenue Generated)
- Second Place: Royal Diamond Lab ($75,435,418.41 Lab Revenue Generated)
- Third Place: Cyan Crescent Lab ($60,842,851.74 Lab Revenue Generated)
- Fourth Place: Amber Delta Lab ($45,571,431 overall revenue generated)

With Emerald Orb Lab taking the win in Lab Wars V, they were retired into the Hall of Lab Wars Victors and crowned Lab Wars Champion of Champions!

Lab Wars VI

Lab Wars VI began on April 12, 2024 and ran through April 28th, 2024. Four labs, Crimson Quadri Lab, Pink Heart Lab, Magenta Star Lab, and Silver Skull Lab, entered the fight!

- First Place Winner: Silver Skull Lab ($129,934,945.22 Lab Revenue Generated)
- Second Place: Crimson Quadri Lab ($83,045,394.17 Lab Revenue Generated)
- Third Place: Pink Heart Lab ($69,983,948.09 Lab Revenue Generated)
- Fourth Place: Magenta Star Lab ($41,084,421.61 Lab Revenue Generated)

With Silver Skull Lab taking the win in Lab Wars VI, they were retired into the Hall of Lab Wars Victors.