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Eden Faction Recruitment 2021-2024


New Member
Ingame Name: OptimusPrimeRDC

Age: 28

Time Zone: PST

Chem Rank: Alchemist

Online Time (/ot): 31H (I know its low but im staying strong on the grind)

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes but i used to play on McDrugs along time ago

Previous Factions: N/A

Reasons you left: N/A

Why we should accept you over others: I can help us be the next El Capo of McLabs

What do you want from us as a faction: Nothing its what i can help you with from simple task to complex task


New Member
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: OptimusPrimeRDC

Age: 28

Time Zone: PST

Chem Rank: Alchemist

Online Time (/ot): 31H (I know its low but im staying strong on the grind)

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Yes but i used to play on McDrugs along time ago

Previous Factions: N/A

Reasons you left: N/A

Why we should accept you over others: I can help us be the next El Capo of McLabs

What do you want from us as a faction: Nothing its what i can help you with from simple task to complex task
Denied. You do not meet our online time requirements. Please reapply once a greater understanding of the server is shown in your online time, application and gameplay.


New Member
2022 Gold Founder
2023 Gold Founder
Ingame Name: kFost

Age: 24

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Junky (pres 3)

Online Time (/ot): 1,013 hours

Do you have discord: yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No, i've been playing since like 2019

Previous Factions: Kittens

Reasons you left: Was advised by Parch to apply, looking for a new, active environment.

Why we should accept you over others: I've been playing mclabs for a decent amount of years, i've got good /ot, nothing on my /history, and i'm an averagely known player on the server.

What do you want from us as a faction: a friendly, active community, that i can thrive with!
Denied. Joined another faction. If you are looking for a faction at a later date, please reapply or contact an officer/co-leader.


2021 Gold Founder

Ingame Name: Spidrr (Used to be LonelyButHigh etc.)

Age: 21

Time Zone: CST

Chem Rank: Technician

Online Time (/ot): 4 hours (I just joined this map, tryna be active again :), y'all know me, been part of MCD for years.)

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No. Played multiple maps over like 5-6 years, took a long hiatus, thought I'd return.

Previous Factions: Eden mostly, some small ones. Been in Eden through multiple maps.

Reasons you left: Took a hiatus, pretty much stopped playing MC in general for a long while.

Why we should accept you over others: Y'all know me, when I'm active I can make a difference

What do you want from us as a faction: I know many players in Eden, have for a long time, and have been in Eden multiple maps. I trust the strong stature of the faction and the community within.


(Having all of these requirements does not guarantee a spot in the faction)

  • We would like you to have at least 100 hours of online time. Use /ot to check.

  • We would like you to be at least Trainee rank.

  • We would like you to not have any strong negative relationships with other players. We greatly rely on and appreciate our drama-less environment and will not stand for toxicity within the faction.

  • Having Discord is a requirement as it is one of our main channels of communication.

  • Be 16 years or older

*All joke applications will be deleted and result in possible forum punishments

Please copy and paste this template below and fill it out completely.


Ingame Name: TeamPenD

Age: 19

Time Zone: GMT+00

Chem Rank: Intern

Online Time (/ot): 1hr currently - Previously over 2000 hrs

Do you have Discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No, I've been here since 2019

Previous Factions: Hive, Milk.

Reasons you left: Map Resets

Why we should accept you over others: I Have a lot of experience on MCLabs (MCDrugs) and I've gained a lot of knowledge while playing previously. I am a very dedicated individual and I will be completely devoted to Eden. I am no noob at this, I've put in the house and I plan to put them to good use with this faction. I feel that I could really help with Eden.

What do you want from us as a faction: As a faction, i would just love the support from fellow faction members


New Member

Ingame Name: itzsavvyy


Time Zone: Eastern

Chem Rank:biochemist

Online Time (/ot):31 hrs (new account just got back into it

Do you have discord: yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): no i played alot a few years back and a lot of hours

Previous Factions: none

Reasons you left: N/A

Why we should accept you over others: I grind like crazy im looking to join a fac and grow within and help out where im needed

What do you want from us as a faction The family vibes and the oppurtunity to grow with yall and level up my experience on the server once again



Ingame Name: Str8_Poopuh

Age: 22

Time Zone: Eastern

Chem Rank: Alchemist

Online Time (/ot): ~73 hours

Do you have discord: yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): yes

Previous Factions: hehe

Reasons you left: dead faction lol

Why we should accept you over others:
I'm a power gamer and I promise to do my best to keep Careless Bunny in line

What do you want from us as a faction: An intership (I need parental guidance to learn the ins and outs of the server)


New Member

Ingame Name:SmokerBaby412


Time Zone: UTC -5

Chem Rank: Assistant

Online Time (/ot): 1 hour

Do you have discord: yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): no i was a og member back when the server was called Mcdrugs back when the drug dealer route just use to be a street.

Previous Factions: Oilteam

Reasons you left: Disbanded

Why we should accept you over others: I am a very active member and even thought I just recently joined the server again i have my mvp and vip kits which i can use as a backup for pvp. I also have plenty experienceon this server and know how to be a team player and I really love to grind to get to the top rank and get the most amount of money and drugs.

What do you want from us as a faction: A team that will be active all the time so we can grind all night long and be very active with the community.


New Member
Ingame Name:SmokerBaby412


Time Zone: UTC -5

Chem Rank: Assistant

Online Time (/ot): 1 hour

Do you have discord: yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): no i was a og member back when the server was called Mcdrugs back when the drug dealer route just use to be a street.

Previous Factions: Oilteam

Reasons you left: Disbanded

Why we should accept you over others: I am a very active member and even thought I just recently joined the server again i have my mvp and vip kits which i can use as a backup for pvp. I also have plenty experienceon this server and know how to be a team player and I really love to grind to get to the top rank and get the most amount of money and drugs.

What do you want from us as a faction: A team that will be active all the time so we can grind all night long and be very active with the community.

Ingame Name: territhian

Age: 30

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Chem Rank: Technician (end of previous map: Director)

Online Time (/ot): Prior to season reset, I had over 1000 hours.

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No, I was on last season's map (active since Jan 2024) and I played a long time ago back when it was mcdrugs briefly.

Previous Factions: N/A (I previously applied to Retirement and removed that application to apply here)

Reasons you left: N/A

Why we should accept you over others: I am an almost daily player, very active and love to grind farms. In the previous map, I had nothing in /history which can attest to my nature as a generally kind and reasonable person.

What do you want from us as a faction: In Lab Wars, I really enjoyed the coordination and helping out other players in a similar goal. I would like to seek a similar relationship with a group of people that are kind and fun!


Staff member
Ingame Name: ThaCandyMan

Age: 41

Time Zone: EST

Chem Rank: Assistant

Online Time (/ot): 4 hours but A lot of time prior

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): No, I've been here for years. lol

Previous Factions: OhChit - Pirate Bay - Canada - Others I can't remember atm.

Reasons you left: Map Wipe

Why we should accept you over others: Because i'm an OG and I know how things work and when I get dedicated I get grindy dedicated!! lol

What do you want from us as a faction: Just a cool laid back bunch of individuals liking to game and grind.


New Member
2022 Gold Founder
Ingame Name:
GrimFables (previously Sykelon, Swain, IV7X)


Time Zone:
Canadian / Eastern

Chem Rank:
Trainee (Been building, mostly)

Online Time (/ot):
14h this map. Long time vet.

Do you have discord:
Yes, see ingame name.

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify):
No. Though I can't recall when I joined specifically, I've been around since 2015.

Previous Factions:
Can't recall full history, but recent history, none. In 2022 was the last time I really "teamed", and that was with Kojee and o_O which went very successfully.

Reasons you left:
Map end. And then a long inactivity period for IRL circumstances.

Why we should accept you over others:

Earlier I mentioned I worked with Kojee and o_O. They can attest that when I put my mind on a project, I go above and beyond to not only make it work, make it foolproof, work and easy to use for everyone. (Flying machines breaking notwithstanding, but that won't be an issue). I'm also just a chill individual in general.

What do you want from us as a faction:
Main reason I applied is I'd like to work together again with my friends. But that doesn't mean new ones can't be made, and from what I understand you're an equally experienced lot that also likes to have fun as opposed to just tryharding.


Ingame Name: SilentNinja24

Age: 24

Time Zone: Perth WA (GMT+8) Australian Western Standard Time

Chem Rank: Pres 1 Pharmacologist (Have helper Prefix applied)

Online Time (/ot): 763

Do you have discord: Yes

Is this your first map on MCLabs (if no, please specify): Played many years ago when the server had plots you could buy with real money, Played abit in 2020 through to 2022 on and off. But planning on sticking around and being a consistent player from here on in as i am really enjoying it and being able to pause a game with a little one is easy

Previous Factions: My own (reason my ranks so low, Spent millions designing and making my base)

Reasons you left: Want some other people to have some fun with

Why we should accept you over others: I'm active willing to help and put in the work, Not here to leech and just take profits without putting effort in to help grow the company

What do you want from us as a faction: Some other people to play with and some help designing good farms off of experienced players, Getting sick of playing by myself and want some other people to mess around with while we are smashing leaderboards
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