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CIA Base Farms Destroyed as Multiple Members Exit

Your IGN : Wumboss

Players to be reported : outragedprincess, Vorpaxis, nothing_but_fail, (Still trying to determine who destroyed what)

Players being reported Rank : MVP ranks and also one Staff Helper

Describe your issue in detail :

So, I had to kick Gorethebore yesterday for being straight-up rude and disrespectful. I explained the situation fully to my other members, and they chose to part ways and take Gore’s side—that’s totally fine. I understand since they are closer friends with him.

What I don’t understand is the petty behavior of griefing the base on their way out. Literally, because they were leaving the Company, they didn’t want me to have the farms and furnaces they helped build just because I kicked their friend (for a good reason). These were projects I originally started, and they did not belong to anyone in particular—they were the Company’s. You don’t just get to dismantle entire farms when you leave just because you helped build them.

The bamboo farm, which I started building before most of the members even joined the Company, has been destroyed, and the blocks stolen. It’s now just a giant pit in the ground(Picture 1). The giant chorus smelter has been stripped of its furnaces and hoppers(picture 2), leaving only a skeleton of what was there. Hundreds of links have been destroyed since the blocks and chests were taken. They even griefed and removed the Company home archway for some reason?

A few months ago, HazardousDankey(previously militarization) also left the Company, but instead of just leaving, he took two fully set-up and linked choppers, leaving myself and Nothing_but_fail to pay and replace them. Instead of working something out where I could compensate Haz for his contributions, he simply stole them and disappeared while I was offline. At the time, I chose not to file a player report, even though I knew he would have gotten in trouble for taking the choppers that weren’t his. Despite that, I still respected him for helping build up the Company.

This time, however, it’s multiple members who decided to loot the Company’s farms, furnaces, and resources just because they were mad that I kicked their friend for being rude, name-calling, and assuming the worst of me without even trying to communicate with me directly in any way. The way Gore acted when I asked what the issue was yesterday was completely uncalled for. I don’t know anyone who would allow a member to speak to them like that and still let them stay in the Company. I truly didnt expect this from these members because they know how Haz did us early on, but they have now turned around and done the same on their way out. They also chose to dismantle and take things when I was offline, like Haz. They definitely knew that what they were doing was wrong so they tried to be sneaky about it and do it when I was not online. Outragedprincess also chose to disband the CIA discord instead of passing ownership over to me to communicate with all of my other members who are still in the company - Even though myself and princess had no issues between us other than Gore's actions.

I’m requesting a full rollback of the farms, furnaces, and links that were wrongfully destroyed on their way out. Gore himself aggressively blocked off his old rooms, and others destroyed their personal storage areas(giant holes in the walls all over)—which, while frustrating and ugly, is at least their choice. But destroying public farms and resources is outright griefing and sabotage.

Players I believe were responsible for destroying/damaging the farms, redstone, furnaces, links, and harvesters:

  • outragedprincess
  • Vorpaxis
  • nothing_but_fail

Why do you feel this is worth a report :

This is clearly griefing with malicious intent to sabotage the base on their way out. I need the destruction rolled back so that my remaining members and I can actually play the game as we were able to yesterday—before the farms and hundreds of links were destroyed for petty reasons.

Attached Evidence here :


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