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Denied Ban Appeal - warwowthegoat

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In-Game Name: lolcow7

Reason for ban Exploit Abuse

Length of ban: Perma

Place of ban (e.g. in-game, Discord, etc.) In-game

Staff who banned you N______L

Did any other staff deal with you before you were banned? No

Did you receive warnings prior to your ban? No

Why do you think you were banned? N____L was under the impression that I was exploiting (make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource) a game mechanic. What I was doing was I turned cocoa farming automatic by using efarms /replant. While I was afk testing the capabilities N____L found me and banned me. I never sold a single drug that came out of using this method. So there was no exploiting as no benefit was derived.

What is your explanation for your actions? Why should you be unbanned? I was testing the capabilities of this mechanic. I never sold a drug that came out of the machine. I also think the server is fun.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

How can you ensure we can trust you again? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

What else would you like to say to the admins reviewing your appeal? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)


Staff member
Appeal Denied

We have decided to deny your appeal for a number of reasons which i will go into more detail with below:

1) In your appeal you have openly stated you were "afk testing the capabilities" of what you were doing. In our farm rules, it states the following:

"AFK Farming

Farms that can be "manually" harvested or planted while AFK will not be allowed. This notably includes the types of farms that let you hold your mouse button down and harvest crops while AFK, usually taking advantage of auto-replant and/or being moved around by water or some other means."

I dont feel this needs anymore explaining. You could have found these rules by doing /farmrules in game or using our /wiki rules to locate them.

2) You were abusing a bug, which i will not go into detail here due to these being publicly viewed, a bug which caused duping of cocoa beans. Just because you didnt benefit from it, does not mean you were not exploiting. It simply means, we caught it before you started selling.

3) Threats made to admin will NOT be tolerated, correction threats to ANYONE on this server will not be tolerated. Not only do these threats make your situation way worse but it makes you look like a silly goose. If you are unsure of what was said it was the following:

"a perm ban for exploit abuse is wild, shoot urself lil man"
16 minutes after
"In front of me pls so i can watch"
You lil children think you're so tuff. You're discord/minecraft admins, please for the love of god get a life. You really expect me to read every single thing on the server why would I even know ur sh3t rules. Also no duping of cocoa beans, that was just the awesome effictivness of my farm. Ur all weak people who need to use ur power on a mc server instead of irl because irl your power is non exisstenet. You all have no strength and i would beat every single admin of this server in an arm wrestle. I didnt even need to cheat i wouldve been making the most money without it anyways. Just another example of a rising threat being shot down. Except it was by power abuse. N_____L and the others just didnt want to see me coming... they feared me.... anywayysss, ... hhaha time to get back to my totally normal life where im a hacker and ddos/dox people ... hehehe.... good day . too-da-loo
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