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Denied Ban Appeal - TTV BTW928

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New Member

In-Game Name: BCCINME123

Reason for ban I'm not really sure why I got banned. I believe it was 2-3 years ago on that account.

Length of ban: Permanent

Place of ban (e.g. in-game, Discord, etc.) In game

Staff who banned you I forgot this was 3 years ago.

Did any other staff deal with you before you were banned? Yes

Please specify their names I forgot.

Did you receive warnings prior to your ban? No

Why do you think you were banned? I'm not really sure, it was over something childish that I did.

What is your explanation for your actions? Why should you be unbanned? Well I haven't played this game in years, and I was hoping to be able to play again since I do not act like that anymore.

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? I'm just going to be to myself and not talk to anyone.

How can you ensure we can trust you again? By me asking you to trust me one more time. This happened years ago and I have changed.

What else would you like to say to the admins reviewing your appeal? Nothing really I think I might be IP banned since I tried playing on another account a couple months after I played.


New Member
Actually I was banned on both accounts BBC_IN_ME123 and TTV BTW928, if I do get unbanned it would be the TTV account, thanks.


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Thank you for taking the time to fill out and submit a ban appeal.

Unfortunately, because you did not understand or remember why you were banned, we have no way of knowing if you have changed or truly understand the effect of your actions. Therefore we also don't know if we can trust you.

If you feel this is unfair please think about what you could have done to receive a blacklist ban and rewrite a more in-depth appeal.

Appeal Denied.
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