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Accepted Ban Appeal - Militarization


New Member

In-Game Name: HazardousDankey

Reason for ban "Farm Hacks"

Length of ban: Permenant

Place of ban (e.g. in-game, Discord, etc.) in game

Staff who banned you N___________L

Did any other staff deal with you before you were banned? No

Did you receive warnings prior to your ban? No

Why do you think you were banned? Im not sure to be honest, i was told by another member of the server that they banned me for "speed hacks" but the ban reason when i try to log in says "farm hacks"

What is your explanation for your actions? Why should you be unbanned? Alls i was doing was typical farming. Using a Cocobinator, efarm replant, /c fly speed 2 and harvesting crops

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

How can you ensure we can trust you again? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

What else would you like to say to the admins reviewing your appeal? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
You were not flying while farming, you had running particles coming out from under your feet while you were farming, which doesn't happen when you are flying.
You also went the same speed going up stairs, which while flying you cannot climb stairs like you can while walking/running.

as you can see in the clip the above is described, and when you are "flying" while farming you make abrupt movements and stops, when you are normally flying you coast for a little between changing directions, not instantly like you do.\

This was classed as farm hacks since (what I and another admin think are) speed hacks were used to farm.


New Member
You do get “running particles” while flying, if you are close enough to the ground. I also was flying while going up the stairs, you can see me stop for a brief moment when I hit a stair in your video.
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Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
Flying 0.000001 blocks off of the ground and I am unable to get flying particles

In this clip, this is what normally happens when you fly into stairs, filmed on the same stair case.


New Member
Flying 0.000001 blocks off of the ground and I am unable to get flying particles

In this clip, this is what normally happens when you fly into stairs, filmed on the same stair case.


New Member
Well particle thing must have to do with bedrockify mod, that’s also what causes me to not drift when flying. And yeah you gotta hold the space bar when going up the stairs while flying


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
I installed the mod and tested it, I can confirm that the anti drift does work, but bedrock edition (at least mobile version) still has a slight drift and this mod does not.
I am still unable to replicate the movement on the stairs, pressing space while flying to go up stairs is just regular flying, which doesn't leave you just off the ground unless you are able to perfectly time it multiple times in a row, are you able to replicate and post somewhere you going up stairs


New Member
okay. If the mod is not allowed I will uninstall it, that’s fine and I understand. If you really need me to replicate the stair movement I probably can, but you should have a little faith in the people that dump countless hours and hundreds of dollars into the server, and be not so quick to judge based on a 30 second window of you in someone’s bases


New Member


Staff member
2023 Gold Founder
Appeal Accepted
Perfect, I was not able to replicate that, and I have been convinced that I am wrong. The mod itself is allowed from as far as I have looked into it, although I would suggest disabling the part that stops the flying drift as, given the running particles and the flying up the stairs like that it really looks like speed hacks.

Bedrock having very minimal drift (under my testing on pocket edition) is news to me, and there being a bug that doesn't show client side when flying really close to the ground is also news to me. I tested Bedrockify with flying low and I was unable to see running particles but Zacc was able to see them coming from me.

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