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Denied Ban Appeal - FEFU30


New Member

In-Game Name: FEFU30

Reason for ban uncacceptable lenguage

Length of ban: 3 days

Place of ban (e.g. in-game, Discord, etc.) in-game

Staff who banned you n____________l

Did any other staff deal with you before you were banned? No

Did you receive warnings prior to your ban? No

Why do you think you were banned? they asked me how tall i am, and then called me short. an normal player an also an admin, i responded with another insult and i got muted without being warned

What is your explanation for your actions? Why should you be unbanned? i don't find it right that i've been muted by the person that insulted me

What measures will you take to prevent this from happening again? don't mute a person who got insulted

How can you ensure we can trust you again? cause i'm doing my best to be a good player to the other person

What else would you like to say to the admins reviewing your appeal? i would desire to talk to the owner if this appeal will be denied


Staff member
Appeal Denied

I have discussed this situation with Dakotaa just, and we have both agreed you will not be unmuted or have your time reduced.

Where i see your point about being muted by long name who was involved in the conversation about heights to start with, if you were not muted by him for the comment made to Conches, it would of been another member of staff.

After looking into the situation, I can see that the conversation was based around everyone's heights where a number of people were calling eachother tall and short and so on. I do not believe that anyone was truly trying to belittle you, i am sorry you felt this way but i feel they may have thought you were getting involved in a jokey way like the others and were unaware you were being serious at the time.

Your mute was regarding the comment you made to Conches 'At least I'm not a fat loser' which you have received punishments on before. The reason for the amount of time you were muted was due to the number of punishments you have had in the last 10 days. Our punishments go in stages, especially based on when the last one was given.

You have been told numerous times by numerous members of staff about your chat conduct and how you react to things. We will not be reducing your mute because after being timed out in discord for calling conches a fat loser, you then proceeded to do it in game a day or two after.

Thank you for appealing


New Member
Appeal Denied

I have discussed this situation with Dakotaa just, and we have both agreed you will not be unmuted or have your time reduced.

Where i see your point about being muted by long name who was involved in the conversation about heights to start with, if you were not muted by him for the comment made to Conches, it would of been another member of staff.

After looking into the situation, I can see that the conversation was based around everyone's heights where a number of people were calling eachother tall and short and so on. I do not believe that anyone was truly trying to belittle you, i am sorry you felt this way but i feel they may have thought you were getting involved in a jokey way like the others and were unaware you were being serious at the time.

Your mute was regarding the comment you made to Conches 'At least I'm not a fat loser' which you have received punishments on before. The reason for the amount of time you were muted was due to the number of punishments you have had in the last 10 days. Our punishments go in stages, especially based on when the last one was given.

You have been told numerous times by numerous members of staff about your chat conduct and how you react to things. We will not be reducing yoor mute because after being timed out in discord for calling conches a fat loser, you then proceeded to do it in game a day or two after.

Thank you for appealing
i've been insulted, i've every right to defend myself. i don't want to go soo far, but what i've received is cyber-bullism and i could take action of it.
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Staff member
i've been insulted, i've every right to defend myself. i don't want to go soo far, but what i've received is cyber-bullism and i could take action of it.
You have every right to do anything you want in regards to 'taking action' but on these lines, people could do the same to you. Claiming cyber-bullying is a very big thing which i take very seriously due to being apart of many things which have been created to support those going through it and to reduce it.

If you are being cyber-bullied on a minecraft server, the first thing that microsoft would say is to leave the server (which you have not done) as we are following our rules. If the bullying continued through other servers, then this would be a case where Microsoft MAY get involved. They would look into your chat history through Minecraft servers and the other person/server you reported.

If this is the route you want to go down, go ahead but you have to help yourself before others help you.

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